Questions to Ask a Therapist on the First Visit

Jul 24, 2023

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Going to therapy for the first time can be intimidating and overwhelming. It's normal to feel nervous about opening up to a stranger about your personal life. However, asking the right questions can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your therapist's ability to help you. Here are some questions to consider asking on your first visit:

What is your experience and approach to therapy?

It's important to understand your therapist's background and how they approach therapy. Some therapists may have a more traditional approach, while others may use more alternative or holistic methods. Ask about their experience with clients who have similar issues to yours and what methods they typically use to address those issues.

What are your qualifications and credentials?

Make sure your therapist is licensed and qualified to provide therapy. Ask about their education, training, and any certifications they hold. This will give you a better understanding of their expertise and help you feel more confident in their ability to help you.

What can I expect from therapy?

It's important to have realistic expectations about what therapy can and cannot do for you. Ask your therapist about the goals of therapy, how long it may take to see progress, and what you can do outside of therapy to support your progress.

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What are your policies and fees?

Make sure you understand your therapist's policies around cancellations, missed appointments, and confidentiality. Ask about their fees and if they accept insurance. This will help you plan for the financial aspect of therapy.

What happens if I feel uncomfortable or want to end therapy?

It's important to know that you have the right to end therapy at any time and for any reason. Ask your therapist about their policies around ending therapy and what steps you can take if you feel uncomfortable or unhappy with the therapy process.

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How often will we meet and for how long?

Ask your therapist about the frequency and duration of your therapy sessions. This will help you plan your schedule and ensure that you have enough time to address your concerns.

What do I need to do to prepare for therapy?

Your therapist may have specific instructions or recommendations for preparing for therapy sessions. Ask about any homework or exercises they may assign and what you can do outside of therapy to support your progress.

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What are some resources or support systems outside of therapy?

Therapy is just one part of the healing process. Ask your therapist about other resources or support systems that may be helpful for you, such as support groups, self-help books, or online resources.

Asking these questions can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your therapy journey. Remember, therapy is a collaborative process, and it's important to find a therapist who you feel comfortable working with and who can help you achieve your goals.